Photographer + Director
New York City & New Jersey
Q: What song do you play on repeat?
A: "Dream On" by Arrowsmith.
Q: What's the best way to start the day?
A: Coffee & Wordle.
Q: What are you most looking forward to this year?
A: Creating.
Q: What is the most impactful project you've worked on and why.
A: Warriors in Pink for Ford. The subjects were women who were battling breast cancer and they gathered all of them together at a luxury hotel in Florida for four days to pamper & empower them with coping skills in a variety of ways. There were group meals, crafting activities, and meditation sessions. Each woman modeled clothing that was designed for survivors and all proceeds were donated by Ford to Breast Cancer research. Working with these ladies, aged 24-70 was a gift for me. Their self-esteem was fragile from the ravages of the treatment and my job was to make them feel beautiful. I made fifteen new friends that week, and through social media, we have kept in touch and celebrated their triumphs, and felt the agony of losing a few. It was both a humbling and awesome assignment.
Q: Which art/photo exhibit that you've seen has impacted you the most?
A: Kandinsky at the Guggenheim because I got to explain art to my then 6-year old. I had him step back and look for the horse head and explain to him that great art has a message and each person that views it gets to interpret it for themselves. There are no correct conclusions and art doesn't always have to be pretty. It was the first of many conversations we have had through the years on what makes something true art...He's now nineteen years old and exploring his own creative path these days.
Q: What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
A: Why are people so angry.
Q: What are some things you had to unlearn?
A: Being reactive but that was more of something I unlearned through age and confidence.
Q: What fictional place would you most like to go?
A: Oh there are so many real places I want to go before I delve into fictional locations. I want to dance (sway) to the music scene in Lagos and Prague… enjoy the natural beauty of the Galapagos Islands, stroll through colorful markets in Asia…so much to do that already exists that fantasy isn’t even an option.
Q: What have you only recently formed an opinion about?
A: I have realized that others must learn on their own time.
Q: What book impacted you the most?
A: Recently both The Water Dancer by Tdeshi Coates and The Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. The two books that inspired me to follow my passions are The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and The Stranger by Albert Camus.
Q: What risks are worth taking?
A: Being truthful.
Q: What are the first 3 chapters of your autobiography titled?
A: Can’t is not an option. There’s a workaround for everything. You can always nap.
Q: What do you spend the most time thinking about?
A: Human behavior.
Q: Best and worst advice you've ever received.
A: No one cares.
Q: How has your work evolved over the past few years?
A: My work has evolved because I have evolved. I know people complain about ageism in our industry and don't really want to admit to being over 30 but I am double that plus a few! I love being the wise woman in the room, the one that can speak from experience yet I am humbled by the things I do not know.
Q: One thing you can't show up to a shoot without - Besides a camera ;)
A: Comfortable yet fashionable shoes.